# Run Nibiru Full Node

# Join from the genesis (gentx submission)

  1. Initialize the nibiru directory and create the local file with the correct chain-id
nibirud init <moniker> --chain-id=nibiru-3000
  1. Create a local key pair in the keybase
nibirud keys add <your key name>
  1. Add tour account to your local genesis file with a given amount and key you just created.
nibirud add-genesis-account $(nibirud keys show <your key name> -a) 100000000000ugame
  1. Create the gentx
nibirud gentx <your key name> 100000000000ugame --commission-rate=0.1 --commission-max-rate=1 --commission-max-change-rate=0.1 --pubkey $(nibirud tendermint show-validator) --chain-id=nibiru-3000
  1. Create Pull Request to the testnet repo (opens new window).

# Join from the middle of the testnet

# Initialize node

nibirud init <your_moniker> --chain-id=nibiru-3000

After that command, you can confirm that .nibiru folder is created in your home directory.

# Get Genesis file

Nibiru testnets genesis file is in testnets repo (opens new window). Download the latest genesis file by running the following command.

curl -o $HOME/.nibiru/config/genesis.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmos-gaminghub/testnets/master/latest/genesis.json

# Setup config

To connect other nodes running in the network, you have to set the seed nodes infomation in config.toml. Open the config.toml file with vim editor, for example.

vim $HOME/.nibiru/config/config.toml
persistent_peers = "<node_id>@<node_ip_address>:<port>,<node_id>@<node_ip_address>:<port>"

# Run Full Node

nibirud start

It will take some time to sync with other node. So be patient until your node find other available connections.

You can check sync status with the following command.

nibirud status